Homeowners Insurance Basics

Homeowners insurance protects your house and personal belongings from disaster. Learn critical information about it from our insurance experts.

homeowners with packing boxes

What Is Homeowners Insurance?

Your home is one of the most important assets in your life. Homeowners insurance can help you protect it. Read about how it works here.

Close shot of flood protection sandbags with flooded homes in background.

What Homeowners Insurance Doesn’t Cover

Homeowners protects your house and property from many perils. But it’s important to know what your home insurance policy doesn’t cover. We list some key coverage omissions and what you can do to protect your house.

homeowners insurance policy form

Types of Homeowners Insurance Policies

Home insurance isn’t one size fits all. Each homeowners form offers a different level of protection or is intended for a specific property ownership situation. Find out which type you need and what it covers.

homeowners meeting insurance agent

Is Homeowners Insurance Required?

Home insurance is always a good idea. Most mortgage lenders will also require that you maintain a homeowners policy until you’ve paid off your mortgage. Find out if you need coverage here.