Editorial Guidelines

At RateSonic, our main focus is on our readers. We aim to provide high-quality and informative content that helps people save time and money on insurance. To ensure that we meet this goal, our writers follow strict editorial guidelines. These guidelines align with our company’s core values, including integrity and objectivity.

Main Principles

The following are the primary set of principles we follow when writing our content:

High Quality

We strive to make our content easy to read for anyone. Our authors use accessible word choice and simple layouts. Before publication, every article is thoroughly reviewed by an editor and checked for accuracy and reading ease.


Your trust is very important to us. That’s why we include citations from credible external sources to back up the facts or information we provide. At times, we may also reach out to and interview reputable outside sources to add diverse insights or perspectives to our articles.

In each case we reference a source, we will provide a clear external link or name the organization, website, and/or person who provided us with the information.


As part of our writing process, we perform thorough research and double-check that the information on our pages is factual. We also understand that certain facts or laws can change. Therefore, we prioritize updating our articles to ensure that it stays correct.

We know that what we say can influence personal finance decisions that affect your household’s bottom line. That’s why we strive to bring you the most accurate, insightful, and trustworthy information about insurance.

Free From Influence

All of our content is free of influence from outside companies, including but not limited to advertisers, insurance companies, and media companies. While we do make money by generating leads, the companies we do business with have no say in the content on our pages.